The study investigates the literature didactics identities in Norwegian framework plans for kindergartens and kindergarten teacher education, with emphasis placed on what can be described as the ‘what’ in literature didactics (what is children’s literature?) and the ‘why’ (why should we work with children’s literature?). The research question is: What type of literature didactics identities can be found in the framework plans for kindergartens and kindergarten teacher education, respectively?
The results show that the concept of text has been given an important place in the framework plans. At the same time, the concept of text is used in different ways in the framework plans, and there are some interpretation challenges associated with how it should be understood. This has an impact on what can be described as the ‘what’ question of literature didactics in a kindergarten context. The framework plans implicitly and explicitly answer the literature didactics ‘why’ question, why children’s literature is important, by drawing connections to aesthetics, cultural dissemination, formation and development of democracy and language.
The empirical material in the study is framework plans for kindergartens and kindergarten teacher education from 2006-2018. The researchers have conducted a qualitative content analysis of the framework plans, where both empirical reading and theoretical perspectives on children’s literature, literary science and literacy have given direction in the analysis and interpretation process.
Syversen, T. G. & Alstad, G. T. (2020). «Forståelser av og begrunnelser for barnelitteratur. En studie av litteraturdidaktikkens identiteter i rammeplaner for barnehage og barnehagelærerutdanning». Nordisk tidsskrift for utdanning og praksis, 14(2):62–81.