Rapport for "Forsøg med Læring i Bevægelse".

Bugge, A.
Seelen, J.V.
Herskind, M.
Svendler, C.
Thorsen, A.K.
Dam, J.
Tarp, J.
Sørensen, M.H.
Olesen, L.G.
Froberg, K.
Institut for Idræt og Biomekanik, Syddansk Universitet.


The purpose of this study is to examine the factors influencing

children’s motivated participation in different types of movement activities at ECEC centres, and to examine patterns of activity and other factors which can explain differences in the level of activity between ECEC centres and between children.


On the basis of the quantitative study, it was found that the level of physical activity varies considerably from one child to another — also within the same ECEC centre. However, the results also show that, to some extent, children at a given ECEC centre adapt their level of activity to one another. This behaviour is particularly common among girls. The study found that the following factors influence the children’s level of activity: large indoor areas; weekdays vs. weekends; days without rain; the ECEC centre being located in the middle of the property, so the children can run around the ECEC centre; and a low degree of vegetation on the playground.

In the qualitative study, the researchers point out that the choice of activity and pedagogical staging had implications on the children’s motivation and possibilities for physical activity and for creating meaningful relationships with other children and adults. Activities characterised by co-influence, dialogue and communication increased the children’s motivation for physical activity and the amount of time they participated in organised activities. Furthermore, the researchers found that meaningful physical-activity pedagogy depended on the personal, professional and pedagogical competences of the staff, and on the conditions, e.g. the number of children, rooms/facilities, and collaboration between staff members. The staff’s language, intonation, expression of joy and enthusiasm played an important role for the children’s participation and motivation for overcoming motor and social challenges. Finally, the researchers found that managerial organisation of communication and discussion of didactic challenges and scheduling of activities within the staff group strengthened the foundation and development of physical-activity pedagogy at the ECEC centre.


The 'Forsøg med Læring i Bevægelse' study ('study on learning in movement') in ECEC comprises a qualitative as well as a quantitative study. The qualitative data is made up of observations, interviews with ECEC teachers and leaders, written narratives by ECEC teachers about children’s learning processes, and the researchers’ participation in various group meetings. The qualitative data was collected at two ECEC centres (0-6 years). The quantitative data was collected through a range of measurements of the children’s height, weight, waist and motor skills. Furthermore, information about each child and the individual ECEC centres was collected by means of calculations and questionnaires. In the quantitative study, data collection was based on 43 randomly selected ECEC centres (børnehaver) in one Danish municipality.


Bugge, A., Seelen, J.V., Herskind, M., Svendler, C., Thorsen, A.K., Dam, J., Tarp, J., Sørensen, M.H., Olesen, L.G. & Froberg, K. (2015). Rapport for "Forsøg med Læring i Bevægelse". Institut for Idræt og Biomekanik, Syddansk Universitet.

Financed by

Ministry for Children, Education and Gender Equality (Danish Ministry of Education)