The study investigates the communication between kindergarten teachers and children and how this communication affects children’s opportunities to participate in kindergarten. The research questions are: 1) What type of communication patterns arise in the interaction between the kindergarten teacher and the children, and how do these patterns affect the children’s opportunities for participation in kindergarten? 2) How can communication patterns and opportunities for participation in kindergarten be understood from a lifeworld and system perspective?
The analyses show three main forms of communication and opportunities for participation: a) controlling communication and limited participation, b) supportive communication and passive participation, and c) co-creative communication and shared participation. The researchers believe there is a tendency in kindergarten pedagogy to view the individual child based on a goal-oriented practice, where the kindergarten teacher controls the communication, and therefore also the children’s lifeworlds.
The data material consists of video observations of kindergarten teachers and children in everyday situations in kindergarten. The observations were made during meals, in the cloakroom, during gatherings and in organised activities – a total of 131 situations. Most of the children were around five years old. The researcher studied both verbal and nonverbal communication.
Ree, M. & Emilson, A. (2020). “Participation in communities in ECEC expressed in child–educator interactions”. Early Child Development and Care, 190(14):2229-2240.