A didactic perspective on negotiations and collaborations between different actors within the Swedish support system: children with autism spectrum disorders included in community-based preschool settings

Olsson, I. & Roll-Pettersson, L.


The study investigates how kindergartens and resource centres collaborate and negotiate intensive behavioural interventions (IBI) for kindergarten children with diagnosed autism spectrum disorders in Swedish inclusive kindergartens. The investigation takes place through the didactic triangle (i.e. pupil, teacher and objective).


The study shows that the inclusive kindergartens’ practices for implementing IBI depend on collaboration between the kindergarten, the resource centre and parents. It also shows that tensions may exist between the actors who are part of the ‘educator’ corner of the didactic triangle, for example in connection with the division of responsibility and time use, but also that there is agreement and collaboration between these actors. The authors conclude that the ‘educator’ in the didactic triangle should therefore be broadened to include actors from several disciplines/professions.


The study is a qualitative case study and obtains the data material from two resource centres in two Swedish municipalities. The two centres had extensive experience in implementing IBI. Two five-year-old boys, one from each centre, participated in the study. Both attended kindergartens that were perceived by their parents as being good at implementing IBI. The data collection was carried out over twelve months through observations and field notes, a focus group interview and semi-structured individual interviews. The data material was transcribed, encoded and analysed. 


Olsson, I. & Roll-Pettersson, L. (2020). "A didactic perspective on negotiations and collaborations between different actors within the Swedish support system: children with autism spectrum disorders included in community-based preschool settings". Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy, 6(1):58-68.

Financed by

Centrum för kompetensutveckling inom vård och omsorg, Stockholms universitet, Sweden. Stiftelsen Sunnerdahls Handikappfond, Sweden